Sunday, August 30, 2009

Webpost #8 Reflections on Blogging

I have been blogging for years now. I first began in 2004 to chronicle the end of my career in hotels and the beginning of my new life as a teacher. I blogged to help relieve stress and to let my family who lives near and far to know what was happening in my life. I didn't blog about politics or religion. I would write about perhaps something that I found funny or odd that happened to me. Sometimes I would write about my top ten favorite things. Whatever I wrote about, I made sure it was humorous to read for anyone who chose to.

Now I have since stopped writing on my personal blog but blogging hasn't been completely out of my life. My students maintain a simple blog in which each day, a new student was chosen to be "Jensen's Journalist". It was their job to record the happenings of the day and write about it on our blog. You can view their work here:

This upcoming school year, I am looking at having my class of six (yes - you read that right!) students have their own blogs. I think the program I will end up using will be Gaggle but have yet to make a final decision. I just hope that my students will enjoy writing on their blog as much as I did.

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